Raipur: A Jaipur based architecture student, Aishwarya Soni, who tried to be cheesy with the security staff frisking her at the airport here by claiming that she was carrying a "bomb" landed herself in trouble as she was detained and questioned by the CISF authorities on Thursday morning.
According to officials, Aishwarya, who was travelling by Air India flight to Delhi, told the lady constable at the security check that she was carrying a bomb on her.
She in fact repeated this again, despite being warned by the constable, who then immediately informed her superiors.
Aishwarya, who was detained for questioning, later told officials that she had "joked" about the bomb, as she was irritated by the delays at the security checking counters. She apologised for her mistake and asserted that she wasn't aware that this could have landed her in trouble. Though, she was released by the authorities later, she did miss her flight to Delhi.
22/01/15 Anuja Jaiswal/Times of India
According to officials, Aishwarya, who was travelling by Air India flight to Delhi, told the lady constable at the security check that she was carrying a bomb on her.
She in fact repeated this again, despite being warned by the constable, who then immediately informed her superiors.
Aishwarya, who was detained for questioning, later told officials that she had "joked" about the bomb, as she was irritated by the delays at the security checking counters. She apologised for her mistake and asserted that she wasn't aware that this could have landed her in trouble. Though, she was released by the authorities later, she did miss her flight to Delhi.
22/01/15 Anuja Jaiswal/Times of India
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