New Delhi: A fortnight after launching operations, full-service carrier Vistara, a joint venture between the Tatas and Singapore Airlines, has announced addition of two more destinations — Hyderabad and Goa — from February 20 and March 1, respectively. Bookings for two daily flights to Hyderabad and one to Goa will open on Friday night. The airline has also said it will increase its weekly frequency from 68 to 164 by March.
The airline, which currently operates three daily flights to Mumbai and one to Ahmedabad, from its base in New Delhi, will add two more flights to Mumbai and one to Ahmedabad.
Vistara Chief Executive Phee Teik Yeoh said: “Both Hyderabad and Goa offer huge potential in terms of passenger traffic. With the introduction of our new flights, we are in a strong position to enhance domestic air connectivity and provide seamless and personalised Vistara experience to more customers in India.”
24/01/15 Business Standard
The airline, which currently operates three daily flights to Mumbai and one to Ahmedabad, from its base in New Delhi, will add two more flights to Mumbai and one to Ahmedabad.
Vistara Chief Executive Phee Teik Yeoh said: “Both Hyderabad and Goa offer huge potential in terms of passenger traffic. With the introduction of our new flights, we are in a strong position to enhance domestic air connectivity and provide seamless and personalised Vistara experience to more customers in India.”
24/01/15 Business Standard
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