Nashik: The Nashik rural police have initiated an enquiry into the farewell party for chief engineer of the public works department held at the Ozar airport terminal building on Saturday night. The party, where allegedly liquor was also served, was brought to the notice of the Dindori police on Sunday evening by residents of nearby Janori village.
The Nashik rural police said that the enquiry was underway and they had seized quite a few liquor bottles from the airport terminal site.
On Saturday, chief engineer of the public works department PY Deshmukh retired from service. To mark his retirement, a party was organized at the airport. The party began at 9pm and continued till late in the night, sources said.
Meanwhile, sources from Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) declined to comment on the issue, saying that the new airport terminal building is still in the possession of the public works department of the state government and it is yet to be transferred to the HAL.
03/02/15 Santosh Sonawane/Times of India
The Nashik rural police said that the enquiry was underway and they had seized quite a few liquor bottles from the airport terminal site.
On Saturday, chief engineer of the public works department PY Deshmukh retired from service. To mark his retirement, a party was organized at the airport. The party began at 9pm and continued till late in the night, sources said.
Meanwhile, sources from Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) declined to comment on the issue, saying that the new airport terminal building is still in the possession of the public works department of the state government and it is yet to be transferred to the HAL.
03/02/15 Santosh Sonawane/Times of India
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