Ahmedabad: In a first, two Morbi based men were booked by police for creating ruckus and misbehaving with crew members during the flight from Mumbai to Ahmedabad on Sunday evening. Sardarnagar police registered offence against Deepsinh Gadhvi, 38 and Indrajeet Trivedi, 44 for indecent behavior in public under prohibition act.
According to police, Gadhvi and Trivedi were drunk when they boarded Indigo 6E-243 Mumbai- Ahmedabad flight at Mumbai airport on Sunday evening. During the flight they had argument with crew members including air hostesses on the sandwich served and overall services. The duo also misbehaved with crew members.
30/03/15 Piyush Mishra/Times of India
According to police, Gadhvi and Trivedi were drunk when they boarded Indigo 6E-243 Mumbai- Ahmedabad flight at Mumbai airport on Sunday evening. During the flight they had argument with crew members including air hostesses on the sandwich served and overall services. The duo also misbehaved with crew members.
30/03/15 Piyush Mishra/Times of India
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